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Menopause Whilst Black

Dec 18, 2020

Relationship expert and veteran podcast host, Natalie Lue of Baggage Reclaim takes us through her peri-menopause experience so far. We talk disappearing coils(!), night sweats and a four month marathon training regime that eventually brought Nat to an abrupt halt. RUDE by neccessary. At times hilarious and never dull, Nat gives us some life affirming advice worth a repeat listen. We hope you find something that resonates. Remember to consult a qualified health professional before trying any of the steps mentioned within this episode. Opinions are speaker own. Thank you for listening. Linkage and references: Nat's website  Books available to buy here  Instagram @NatLue Facebook @baggagereclaim Podcast Baggage Reclaim on all platforms. Breath work Sun salutation  Edited by: Me. Artwork: Kareem Arthur. Music: Garden State by Audiobinger  Follow @Menopausewhilstblack here or on Instagram and dance to our playlist featuring lovely guests favourite tunes on Spotify. Email but not if you can't be nice. Finally, please subscribe, rate and review over on iTunes so that we can reach the people who need to hear us. Ta. Be gentle with yourselves won't you? K x