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Menopause Whilst Black

Jan 1, 2021

Oh just two black UK based women in their fifties talking about menopause. No biggie! Fashion Creative and Embracer of Life, Karen Arthur chats with…London based ex Scriptwriter now Senior Yoga teacher, Paula Hines, who takes us through her peri-menopause experience and how her yoga knowledge helps her and others navigate her symptoms. Topics include grief, Anxiety, UK lockdown, BLM, Diversity in Yoga spaces and more. We hope you find something that resonates. Remember to consult a qualified health professional before trying any of the steps mentioned within this episode. Opinions are speakers own. Thank you for listening.

Linkage and references:

Paula's website Instagram @UCanYoga1

Twitter @UCanYoga

Spondylolisthesis Symptoms

Judith Hanson Lasater. 

Edited by: Karen Arthur

Artwork: Kareem Arthur

Music: Garden State by Audiobinger

Follow @Menopausewhilstblack here or on Instagram and dance to our playlist featuring lovely guests favourite tunes on Spotify.

Email but not if you can't be nice.

Finally, please subscribe, rate and review over on iTunes so that we can reach the people who need to hear us.

Be gentle with yourselves won't you?

K x