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Menopause Whilst Black

Jul 7, 2021

In conversation with ... Lorna Hamilton-Brown MBE, full time Artist and Craftivist and bold lippy wearer based in Hastings, East Sussex. Dubbed 'The Banksy of Knitting', Lorna and I discuss the lack of menopausal vocabulary that made it difficult for her to understand her menopause transition - the importance of being able to join up all the dots and access appropriate treatment. We talk about her own creativity  and links to her positive mental wellbeing amidst global events. Links: Lorna Hamilton-Brown Website Instagram @lhamiltonbrown Turner Prize winner Lubaina Himid  We hope you find something that resonates. Remember to consult a qualified health professional before trying any of the steps mentioned within this episode. Opinions are speakers own. Edited by: Beyongolia Artwork: K. Arthur Music: Garden State by Audiobinger Follow @Menopausewhilstblack on Instagram. Dance to our Spotify playlist featuring lovely guests favourite tunes. Email if you're a nice human. Subscribe, rate and review over on iTunes so that we can reach the people who need to hear us. Be gentle with yourself ok?