Mar 9, 2023
In this episode Karen Arthur chats with her Film maker, Broadcaster, Wellness and Creative healing practitioner, Chantal Miller. Chantal, who is also the founder of Island Girls Rock and co-host of The Relatable Podcast, has always been a woman who listens to her Self and knows what’s right for her but the onset of peri-menopause took her by complete surprise. We chat about her early life in Nevis and Leeds and her sudden move to London in her late twenties. Her subsequent return after many years in the capital to her homeland and all thats opening up in life. Find out how close family helped Chantal to begin her transition and helped it all start to make sense.
Dr Joy Degruy - Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Dr Jen Gunther - The Menopause manifesto
Socials: Instagram @chantal_olivia_miller
We hope you find something that resonates. Remember to consult a qualified health professional before trying any of the steps mentioned within this episode. Opinions are speakers own.
Join the wait list for The Joy Retreat Barbados in May 2024. for Black women experiencing any stage of menopause. Email
Edits: Beyongolia Artwork: Martine Mbala Music: Audiobinger Follow @Menopausewhilstblack on Instagram and Facebook. Dance to our Spotify playlist featuring guests fave tunes. Email to say hi or if you'd like to find out more on how to sponsor an episode. And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on this platform so that we can reach the people who need to hear us.
Be gentle with yourself ok? x