Jul 22, 2021
In conversation with ... Judith Jacob, Actor , Writer, Fitness Trainer and Radio DJ. We discuss Grenada, Sarcoidosis in her family, Judith's love of training and eating healthily (although Jaffa cakes are life!) We talk about the importance of sisterhood when navigating change and setting boundaries more often. Links: Judiths Instagram @Judithjacob1313 Conscious Radio Nat Lue Baggage Reclaim Podcast Sarcoidosis UK.
We hope you find something that resonates. Remember to consult a qualified health professional before trying any of the steps mentioned within this episode. Opinions are speakers own. Edited by: www.beyongolia.com Artwork: K. Arthur Music: Garden State by Audiobinger Follow @Menopausewhilstblack on Instagram. Dance to our Spotify playlist featuring lovely guests favourite tunes. Email thekarenarthur@mail.com if you're a nice human. Subscribe, rate and review over on iTunes so that we can reach the people who need to hear us. Be gentle with yourself ok?